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The Bluebell project CIC

Removing barriers, Regaining hope, Reconnecting communities.

Home: Welcome
Image by Hannah Busing

What We Do

The Bluebell project CIC is working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help individuals in our area. Our work is dedicated to improving mental well-being and social inclusion.We strive to inspire and improve the lives of our local community.
The Bluebell project cic offer supported living accommodation, training and education programs, outreach projects and various community group activities to encourage the local community to come together for a positive future.

Home: About

How We Help

Paving the Way to a Better Tomorrow.

The Bluebell project CIC works tirelessly to provide quality, long-term solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting our community. Our most significant causes are those that are often brushed aside by most. Our battle is against indifference, and we would love for you to become part of that change today.

Image by Jason D
Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters
Wet Paintbrushes

Supported accommodation.

Providing a secure home along with a carefully selected collaborative recovery program to support service users in their journey to mental wellness.

Education and Training

Providing education and training programs that are individually tailored, empowering people to find and keep employment.

Community and outreach

We are working hard to break social deprivation through community clubs, groups and outreach activities with an emphasis on holistic therapy;
art, crafts, reading writing, gardening, yoga, music and much more!

Home: Our Causes
Image by Chris

Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in places no-one ever thought you would!

Home: Quote

Contact Us

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Home: Contact

©2021 by The Bluebell project CIC. 
registration number 13664372

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